Friday, August 17, 2012

HSEB Queris of English of class XII......

Heritage of Words
Short Question Answer (Each Question Carries 3 marks)

1.       Grandmother
a.       What are the things Ray Young Bear remember about his grandmother?
b.      What is the main idea of the poem ‘Grandmother’ by Ray Young Bear?
c.       What impression of the grandmother does the speaker give in the poem ‘Grandmother’?
2.       About Love
a.       What kinds of the experiences are suggested by the Alyohin in ‘About Love’?
b.      How did Alyohin define love?
3.       Lamentation of old Pensioner
a.       Why does the old man want to ‘spit into the face of time’?
b.      Mention the three things the old laments about. Why he is sad about them?
c.       What is the speaker lamenting on?
d.      Why and how does the old pensioner lament?
e.      Why does the poet show his anger against time?
f.        Explain the title of the poem ‘The Lamentation of the old Pensioner’.
g.       Why is the poet angry on ‘The Lamentation of the Old Pensioner’?
4.       Two Long Term Problems
a.       How can we save forests?
b.      What leads Moti Nissani to belief that the world is facing an overpopulation problem?
5.       Full Fathom Five Thy Father Lies
a.       Write the central idea of the poem ‘Full Fathom Five Thy Father Lies’.
6.       Hurried Trip to Avoid a Bad Star
a.       How is Karnali linked economically with the low land regions to the south?
b.      What did two writes learn about the life and culture of the people of the Karnali region during their journey on foot?
c.       How Karnali Zone is economically linked with the lowland regions of southern Nepal?
d.      Give the short account of the life of the people of Karnali as you find in ‘Hurried Trip to Avoid a Bad Star?
7.       Travelling Through the Dark
a.       What is the central idea of the poem ‘Travelling Through the Dark’?
b.      Show how the action develops stanza by stanza in the poem ‘Travelling Through the Dark’.
c.       Do you agree with what the narrator did? Why?
8.       A Story
a.       What is the reason for which Will Sentry always followed Mr. Franklyn?
b.      How does the boy, the narrator, look at his uncle and his aunt?
c.       Describe the relation between Thomas (the boy’s uncle) and his wife.
d.      The plan was to go to Porthcawl for the outing. Did they ever reach there? Why?
e.      Give a description of the outing as Thomas would describe it.
f.        How does the writer describe the relation between Thomas and his wife?
9.       The Last Voyage of the Ghost Ship
a.       What does the refrain of the boy ‘Now they’re going to see who I am’ mean?
b.      Why did the boy have to prove who he was?
10.   God’s Grandeur
a.       Give reasons why men are unaware of the greatness of God?
b.      What is the central idea of the poem ‘God’s Grandeur’?
c.       How is the glory of the poem praised in the poem?
11.   I Have a Dream
a.       What is Martin Luther King complaining about?
b.      What is the real dream of the Martin Luther King about the future of the America?
c.       To what extent does the King’s personal authority lend power to his words?
d.      What the dream of Martin Luther King is as stated in ‘I Have a Dream’?
12.   Women’s Business
a.       Why did Lydia Pinkham first to begin to sell her products?
b.      How did women start and flourish their business in America?
c.       What is the main idea of the essay?
13.   The Children Who Wait
a.       Whom does Marsh Traugot refer to as the children who wait?
b.      Why was difficult for the handicapped and the black children to find Foster family?
c.       According to Traugot, what changes are transforming Americans adoption scene? What factors are responsible for the changes?
d.      What kind of the parents were considered suitable for the adopting children? What kinds of children were considered ‘Unadoptable’?
e.      How do the adoption agencies find the potential parents?
f.        What had happened to the handicapped children in the past?
14.   A Child is Born
a.       What kind of treatment doest the women in Bangladesh receive during her pregnancy and after the childhood?
b.      What differences does the writer show between a traditional society and a modern society in matters of child bearing?
c.       The essay ‘A Child is Born’ is often found controversial and one-sided. Do you agree? Give reasons for your agreement and disagreement?
15.   The Tell-Tale Heart
a.       What made the narrator confess the crime?
b.      Describe the scene when the narrator killed the old man?
c.       Would you call the narrator of the story a mad? Give reasons for your answer?
16.   Purgatory
a.       Why did the Old Man kill his own son?
b.      What is the Old Man’s motive in murdering the boy?
17.   Hansel and Gretel
a.       What do the bird and the expanse of the water symbolize in the fairy tale ‘Hansel and Gretel’ ?
b.      How did the witch receive the two children in their first night at the witch’s house?
c.       How did Hansel and Gretel free themselves from the witch?
18.   The Gingerbread House
No short Questions asked yet from this chapter.
19.   Gretel
a.       Why does Gretel blame her father and brother?
b.      Do you think Gretel represents modern feminist woman? Give your opinion briefly.
20.   The Little Brother and the Little Sister
No Short Question asked yet from this chapter.
21.   The Boarding House
a.       How do you think Mrs. Mooney settled with Mr. Moran about Polly? Did Mr. Moran marry Polly or pay out compensations?
b.      Write an interpretation of the story, ‘The Boarding House’?

Heritage of Words
Long Answer Question (Each Question Carries 10 Marks)

1.       Grandmother
No Long Question Asked yet from this chapter.
2.       About Love
a.       Sketch the character of the Alyohin.
3.       The Lamentation of the Old Pensioner
a.       Write an essay on ‘Youth and Age’.
4.       The Two Long-Term Problems: Too Many People, Too Few Trees
a.       Explain the links between the overpopulation and the deforestation.
b.      What are the causes, consequences and cures of the over population and deforestation?
5.       Full Fathom Five Thy Father Lies
No Long Question Asked yet from this chapter.
6.       Hurried Trip to Avoid a Bad Star
No Long Question Asked yet from this chapter.
7.       Travelling Through the Dark
No Long Question Asked yet from this chapter.
8.       A Story
No Long Question Asked yet from this chapter.
9.       The Last Voyage of the Ghost Ship
a.        Narrate the story of a boy’s growth from an ordinary boy to an assertive young man.
10.   God’s  Grandeur
No Long Question Asked yet from this chapter.
11.   I Have a Dream
a.       What is the historical significance of Martin Luther King’s Speech?
b.      What is the dream Martin Luther King has? How is he going to achieve it?
c.       Argue in favour of some course of action of the situation that you consider an injustice. Racial injustice is one possible area, of unfairness to the minority, or to women, the old, ex-convicts, the handicapped, the poor. If Possible narrow subject to a particular incidents or local situation on which you write knowledgeably.
12.   Women’s Business
No Long Question Asked yet from this chapter.
13.   The Children Who Wait
No Long Question Asked yet from this chapter.
14.   A Child is Born
a.       Discuss in about 200 words the advantages of child-rearing in the traditional society. How is the traditional child-rearing a beneficial practice for the child and the young mother?
b.      What differences does the writer show between a traditional society and a modern society in matters of pregnancy, child birth and child rearing?
c.       Write in about 100 words about the values held by the traditional Nepali society in which the woman who can not bear children is considered as a failure in her personal life and an useless women in the eyes of the society. Give your own views on the subject.
15.   The Tell-Tale Heart
a.       Why does the narrator develop the intense hatred against the old man? Would you call the narrator mad? Give reasons for your answers.

16.   Purgatory
a.       Sketch the character of An Old Man?
b.      “We are always punished for our Sins”. Elaborate this statement.
17.   Hansel and Gretel
a.       Briefly narrate the story of Hansel and Gretel.
18.   The Gingerbread House
No Long Question Asked yet from this chapter.
19.   Gretel
No Long Question Asked yet from this chapter.
20.   The Little Brother and Little Sister
No Long Question Asked yet from this chapter.
21.   The Boarding House
a.       Sketch the character of Mrs. Mooney.
b.      Briefly narrate the story ‘The Boarding House’.

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