Friday, August 17, 2012

Short Notes or Summary of English for Grade XII...........


In the poem "Grandmother" Ray Young Bear draws a picture of his grandmother- all loving and inspiring. This poem presents the poets deep sense of intimacy and closeness to his grandmother even after her death. He can not forget her. He could recognize her by all senses except taste. The poet uses different images to draw the picture of his grandmother. 'Purple scarf ' and 'plastic shopping bag' is related to eyes, while the touch of 'warm and damp' hands appeal to skin or touch. A 'voice coming from a rock' is related to the sense of hearing; and her hands like that of 'roots' appeal to the sense of smell.                                                   

The Lamentation of the Old Pensioner

In the poem "The Lamentation of the Old Pensioner" written by W.B Yeats, the speaker laments on the passing of his joyful youth. In the past, the speaker was young and he had a good job. So his friends and lovers followed him. He was happy to talk about love and politics. His past life only gives him agony because Time has turned him into ugly, weak and useless old man. Neither his friends nor any beauties follow him. He is jealous to see other young people who challenge any conspiracy and evils. So he is angry with Time and wants to spit in its face.                                                                                                                       

God's Grandeur

In his sonnet "God's Grandeur" the poet G.M Hopkins praises the magnificence and glory of God. The poet says that man is born, carries out activities and dies without knowing the greatness of God. Since man is selfish, his activities pollute, empties and damages the beauty of world. The humans have been disturbing and polluting the environment from generation to generation because they only want profit. But, God renews and fills energy in the nature. God loves all the creatures of the world, so he works for the benefit of the creatures without any hope of profit. The poet inspires people to grow faith in God.                                             

Full Fathom Five Thy Father Lies

@ Is death meaningful in this poem?

@ Summary

The poem "Full Fathom Five Thy Father Lies" is taken from Shakespeare's play "The Tempest". Here the spirit Ariel sings this song to Ferdinand, Prince of Naples, who mistakenly thinks that his father is drowned.                                                                       The Prince is very sad to miss his father in a sea-wind, so Ariel gives sympathy to him by saying that death is a meaningful change. He says that the bones of his father have turned into coral and eyes into pearls. Sea-nymphs respect him with death bell every hour. None of the parts have wasted but changed into more valuable. Here death is shown not as an absolute end but a new beginning.                                                      

A Child Is Born

= Germaine Greer in her essay "A Child Is Born" shows the difference between traditional society and modern society mainly during pregnancy, childbirth and child-bearing.

In traditional society/ Western society, any pregnant woman is supported by her family members, husband, relatives and community. She is covered with taboos and prohibitions which lessen her pain and increase her sense of security. After childbirth, the woman is referred as child's mother. The baby strengthens the family bond. The woman satisfies the desires of the family and community by giving birth to a child. So, she is respected. The birth of child is celebrated by feasting, dancing and merry-making. Even the mother is rewarded with new clothes. The child grows under the care of all members of the family, so mother has to spend less time to care of her children.

But in modern society / Western society, a pregnant woman has to take care of herself alone with the guidance of nurses and doctors. They do not get care and affection from other family or community members. The health of mother and child is safer but mother is emotionally weaker. Child is born to fulfill the needs of parents only. The child grows up with its parents and dolls. So, child - parent relation is stronger.

The writer thinks that Eastern practice is better than Western practice for mother.

I Have a Dream

=              Martin Luther King was a black civil right campaigner. He gave the unforgettable speech " I Have a Dream" on August 28, 1963 in honor of Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation. The main purpose of his speech is to eradicate every kinds of discrimination and establish equality, brotherhood and integration between whites and blacks. He wants a revolution that is peaceful and creative. His dream is to end racial segregation, inequality and injustice in America. He complains that even after hundred years of passing of Emancipation Proclamation by Lincoln, America stands as the hell to the blacks. Even the sweet words of American constitution that every individual has the right to ‘life, liberty and pursuit of happiness’ is confined only on paper. The blacks in America are still dominated, treated badly, and are unable to get education and voting right.  

Hurried Trip To Avoid a Bad Star

@ How is Karnali linked economically with the low land regions to the south?



= Karnali is remote region of Nepal which is made up of sloppy hills. Due to this, there is no development in any sector. So, people have to move to the South to buy and sell their goods. To sell their items like medicinal herbs, silajit, hashish, hand-knit sweaters and blankets, they have to go to Nepalgunj. Similarly, they have to buy clothes, utensils and other necessary items from Nepalgunj. They also move to the South for job.







 @ What did the two writers learn about the life and culture of the people of the Karnali region during their journey on foot? [059-3]


= The two writers learnt that the people of Karnali are innocent, simple, laborious and uneducated. They know very little about the outside world. They live in geographically difficult part completely depending on their own or animal strength. They are ignorant about soil erosion and deforestation. So, they have destroyed forests. They are superstitious.

Two Long-Term Problems: Too Many People Too Few Trees

In the essay, “Two Long-Term Problems:……” , Moti Nissani discusses about the two intertwined and serious problems that is threatening the world-- overpopulation and deforestation.
According to Nissani; air, soil, water and space are polluted by human activities especially due to population growth. Population growth demands more raw materials. This enhances deforestation for more agricultural land, fuel and housing. Deforestation in turn is the main cause of various evils such as diseases, pollution, decline of plants and animals. It causes global warming and brings about various disasters like flooding, landslides, droughts, earthquake, soil erosion and depletion of ozone layer.

However, Nissani suggest that environmental damaged can be controlled by controlling population and desires of man. Literacy program, modernization, family planning, reforestation and inventing new types of fuels can be helpful to save the forests and environment.   


@ Why does Gretel blame her father and brother? [058-3]

@ Do you think Gretel represents modern feminist women? Give your opinion briefly. [061-3]

= Garrison Keillor's "Gretel" is a feminist interpretation of the fairy tale "Hansel and Gretel". Here, Gretel is a modern feminist who blames her brother and story writers of "Hansel and Gretel" for writing the story in a wrong way. She claims that her drunken father is wicked and her brother is cheat. Instead she supports her stepmother Gladys and finds her a loving mother. She explains that the woman who gave them cake, bread and house was not a witch but a loving woman who wanted to kill Hansel in order to revolt against male dominance

@Sketch the character of Alyohin

@ How does Alyohin define love?

 Alyohin is an educated man but he has to work in his farm in order to clear his debt. Sometimes he goes to the town to attend the court sessions. Once he goes to the house of Luganovich in order to eat dinner. In his house, he meets Anna Alexeyevna, the wife of Luganovich. The beauty, youth and intelligence of Anna attracts him. He falls in love with her, but his morals and thoughts stop him to express his love openly. As a result Anna suffers from mental tiredness.  

Due to his failed love affair, Alyohin thinks that love is a source of dissatisfaction and irritation. He thinks that love is a great mystery. It can not be generalized. Love is done by heart not by mind.


@ What kinds of love experiences are suggested by Alyohin in "About Love"?[2057-3]

We can find two love experiences suggested by Alyohin. They are sensual love and platonic love. The first one is the love affair between Nikanor and Pelageya. It is sensual, often violent. The second love affair between Anna and Alyohin is platonic love. They sacrifice their love for good of others. Though they aren’t married, they love each other from heart.

@ Character sketch of Anna Alexeyevna.

= Anna is a beautiful and charming young lady. She is aged twenty-two. She is married to Luganovich, aged over forty. She loves Alyohin but she also can not express her love openly to him. Later she suffers from nervous prostration. She is also a responsible lady. She thinks that she is not so young and energetic to marry Alyohin.

The Boarding House

@ Sketch the character of Mrs. Mooney. [058/064-10]

@ Write an interpretation of 'The Boarding House'. [060-3]

@ Briefly narrate the story of "The Boarding House" [063-10]


= "The Boarding House" by James Joyce is a story of Mrs. Mooney. She had married her father’s foreman. She later divorced him because he was a drunkard and aggressive. She was a very clever woman who knew how to handle matters. She trapped rich Mr. Doran and forced him to marry her daughter Polly.

After divorcing from her husband, she opened a boarding house. The house was full of clerks and tourists. Her daughter Polly used to amuse the lodgers. Polly developed a relationship with rich Mr. Doran. Mrs. Mooney knew the matters but did not intervene for some time. Later, she asked about the relationship with her daughter.

Mrs. Mooney was a determined and practical woman. So, she thought of possible ways of blackmailing Doran and forcing him to marry Polly. She was convinced that Mr. Doran could not escape the marriage because he was a clerk of one of the rich Catholic merchant. Mrs. Mooney called Mr. Doran so that she could blackmail him to marry her daughter. Mr. Doran wanted to escape from marriage but he could not do that. In the end, Mrs. Mooney called her daughter saying that Mr. Doran wanted to speak to her.




@ How do you think Mrs Mooney settled with Mr. Moran about Polly? Did Mr. Moran marry Polly or pay out compensation? [059-3]

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------= Mrs. Mooney was in search of a good husband for her daughter Polly. When she knew that Mr. Doran and Polly had developed a relationship, she thought of plan to blackmail him. In my view, she forced Mr. Doran to marry her daughter because Mr. Doran was rich man. Though he was 35 years old, he was soft-mouthed and above her social status.

I think that Mr. Doran married Polly because he was trapped by Mrs. Mooney. Mrs. Mooney was rich but her social status was not so good. So, Mrs. Mooney forced him to marry her daughter.

The Children Who Wait

@ Whom does Marsha Traugot refer to as the children who wait? [ 2057-3]

@ What had happened to the handicapped children in the past? [065-3]

@ Why was it difficult for the handicapped and the black children to find foster family? [060-3]

@ What kinds of parents were considered suitable for adopting children? What kind of children were considered 'Unadoptable'? [062-3]


= According to Traugot, before 1960, there were strict rules for child adoption in America. Only white, healthy and child within infancy were considered fit for adoption. Any handicapped, black or biracial or child more than five years old were considered unadoptable. Any handicapped child was thought as a damaged thing. Even parents who were considered suitable for adopting children had to be middle class and childless white couple, having their own home.


@ According to Traugot , what changes are transforming the American adoption scene? What factors are responsible for the changes? [060-3]


=  After 1960 in America, many factors such as black right movement, women's movement, legalized abortion, social science research, change in social values and high expense of running foster home are transforming the American adoption scene. Now any type of child or any type of parents can be adoptive child or adoptive parents.


@ How do the adoption agencies find the potential parents? [064-3]


= Now adoption agencies collect the lists of parents who want to adopt child. They match qualities of children with the need of parents, let both of them meet and interact. If this system does not work, they advertise in television or newspaper to look for adoptive parents.

The Tell-Tale Heart

@ What made the narrator confess his crime?

@ Was the narrator mad?

@ Summarize the story “The Tell-Tale Heart”.

= "The Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe shows how guilt forces a person to confess his crime. Though the narrator of this story says that he is not mad, his activities show that he is certainly mad. He lived in the house of an old man. He did not like the eyes of that old man that were pale and vulture-like. For this simple reason, he decided to kill him to get rid of those eyes. The narrator tried for seven days every night but the eyes were always closed. On the eighth day, he pulled the old man down the floor and squeezed him to death. He chopped the dead body and carefully buried under the planes. Soon some police officers came because someone had heard a shriek and informed them to investigate. The narrator lied them that the shriek was his own in dream and the old man was absent for some days. As the policemen talked with him, the narrator heard tick-tick sound of a watch coming from the dead man's watch. Since his mental condition was not normal, he mistook it as the heart beat of the old man. He could not bear it and confessed his crime to the officers.

A Story

@ Describe the relation between Thomas (the boy's uncle) and his wife.

= Though the narrator thinks that the relationship between Thomas and his wife is bad, actually they loved each other very much. When his wife was angry he used to lift her under his arm in the chair. She used to playfully beat him on his head with the china dog. Thomas was a heavy man who often drank alcohol. His wife did not like it. So, she often went to her mother's house. But at that time also she used to arrange some eggs for him and ask him to put off his boots while going to bed.

@ The plan was to go to Portcawl for the outing. Did they ever reach here? Why?

= The internal intention of going for an outing was to get drunk. Since the people who planned to go to Portcawl for the outing got heavily drunk on their way and finished all cases of beer, they were almost unconscious. Beside the moon had already risen up. So, they never reached Portcawl.

The Last Voyage of the Ghost Ship

= The story 'The Last Voyage of the Ghost Ship' by Marquez describes about the growth of a boy into adult person. The narrator who has now grown into manhood repeats "Now they are going to see who I mean" because in childhood his vision was criticized by the villagers. When he was a boy, he saw an uncontrolled large ship without light and sound. It appeared in darkness but disappeared in light. The ship collided with the rock and sunk in the sea. Next day, he went to the sea, but could not find the sign of the ship.

Again, after a year he saw the same ship. He told it to his mother. The mother thought that he had become mad. She died before her son could prove about the ship. Similarly, he saw the same ship the third time and called the villagers to watch it. The villagers beat him because they could not see the ship. He promised to prove his manhood and complete his aim. He saw the same uncontrolled ship in a March night. He guided the ship with his lantern to the village and showed it to the villagers. The vision of the ship was only his figment of imagination but later he made it truth by his adult passion.

Travelling Through the Dark

@ What is the central idea of the poem? [057-3]

@ Show how the action develops stanza by stanza in the poem. [060-3]

@ What does the traveler feel when he touches the dead doe? [ Model -3]

@ Do you agree with what the narrator did ? Why? [063-3]


= The poem "Travelling Through the Dark" written by William Stafford presents a dilemma faced by a driver. The driver finds a dead doe in the middle of the road. He goes to drag it off and clear the way to avoid possible accidents. But on touching her side, he knows that it is pregnant. He is in confusion either to show deep love and emotion to an unborn but alive fawn in the belly of the doe or to save the passengers on his car as a dutiful driver. After much thoughtful meditation, he pushes the dead doe into the river in order to reach his destination and save the passengers.

The driver’s action is justified because it is useless to show love and emotion to the dead ones if one can not save it.


@ Explain the title of the poem. Who are all those driving through the dark?


= In the poem “Travelling Through the Dark”, a driver with his passengers are traveling through the dark. It also shows the moral darkness of people who kill the wild animals with their careless driving. The darkness also indicates lack of love, emotion and sympathy in modern people.


= The play "Purgatory" by W.B Yeats suggests that punishment for sin is necessary for renewal and growth. The main character in this play is an Old Man who is haunted by his sins. In the past, his father had destroyed his house and the life and property of his mother. He was drunkard, gambler and spent money on women. So the Old Man had killed his own father with the knife when he was sixteen. Then he burnt the dead body. Later he became a peddler. The Old Man says this entire story to his son in front of that burnt house. There the Old Man even sees the image of his dead parents, their love making at wedding night. Later the Boy fights with the Old Man for money. The Old Man thinks that the Boy is the consequence of his sin and kills him with the same knife that he had used to kill his father. But, by the end, he still imagines that his mother is suffering in purgatory.

Hansel and Gretel

= A poor woodcutter once lived near a forest. His children Hansel and Gretel were cruelly treated by the stepmother. Once there was a famine and the wife advised her husband to leave the children in the forest forever. The husband was unwilling because he loved his children. Having heard the stepmother's plan, Hansel collected shiny pebbles at night. He dropped those pebbles when they were leaving for forest. In the forest, when their parents deserted them, they returned back home following the shiny pebbles in the moon light. Next time also their parents deserted them in the forest. This time they could not return home. After three days of searching their home, they found a house made of cake, sugar and bread. A witch came and trapped them. She put Hansel in a cage in order to eat him. But by the intelligence of Hansel, they were freed. Hansel even killed the witch with her clever trick. After collecting lots of jewels from the witch's house, they returned home and united with their father.

Women's Business

= In her essay "Women's Business", Kantrov draws the picture of Lydia Pinkham, the first woman to start business; and other businesswomen who followed her path.

 Pinkham started her business when her husband's real estate business collapsed. She produced a 'vegetable compound' which she advertised as the cure for all types of women's diseases. She printed reports of married women benefited from her products. She encouraged women to consult only women doctors. She was very clever. She wanted to lead women's right by temperance. But in her product she used alcohol.

Later other women also followed the path of Pinkham. They also used clever tricks of advertisements. They advertised that their aim was to serve women but their internal motive was to earn maximum profit. They used their image as a woman to exploit other females. Thus they were also not different from bourgeoisie male businessman.
















Judging character:

1.        Optimist – An optimist is a person who expects good things to happen. ( An optimist is a person who sees brighter side of life.)

2.        Pessimist – A pessimist is a person who expects bad things to happen. ( A pessimist is a person who sees darker side of life)

3.        Generous- A generous is a person who gives away lots of money.

4.        Mean / Stingy- A stingy is a person who never buys you a drink.

5.        Considerate- A considerate is a person who helps other people.

6.        Inconsiderate – An inconsiderate is a person who only thinks about himself.

7.        Reliable – A reliable is a person who does not let people down.

8.        Unreliable- An unreliable is a person who lets people down.

9.        Extrovert – An extrovert is a person who likes going to parties.

10.     Introvert- An introvert is a person who doesn’t like going to parties.

11.     Gullible – A gullible is a person who believes whatever you tell him.

12.     Sceptic – A sceptic is a person who doubts what you tell him.

13.     Modest – A modest is a person who doesn’t boast.

14.     Vain – A vain is a person who has a high opinion of himself.

15.     Frivolous – A frivolous is a person who jokes about everything.

16.     Serious – A serious is a person who doesn’t joke about anything.

17.     Quick-tempered – A quick –tempered is a person who easily loses temper.

18.     Even – tempered – An even-tempered is a person who never loses his temper.

Write a police description of your best friend.

Or, Describe the most impressive you have ever met.

Or, Describe your best friend.

Mr. Ram Tamang is my best friend. He is in his early thirties. He is about 5 ft 5 inches tall. He is a heavy man of about 65 kg.

He has long black curly hair. He has a black complexion. His face is round with wide and brown eyes. His eyebrows are bushy while his nose is long and pointed. He has thin lips and round chin. He has a mole in his right chick. His forehead is broad.

He is always well-dressed. He usually wears a gold chain around his neck. He often stammers while speaking.

Promise -jfrf ug'{ _ / advise (;Nnfx lbg' _ / suggest (;Nnfx lbg' _  / urge (pS;fpg' ) / threaten (wDsL lbg' _ / recommend (l;kmfl/; ug'{ ) /  insist - lh2L ug'{ _ /  beg - dfUg' _  /  accuse - bf]if lbg' _ /  deny - OGsf/ ug'{ _ / assure - ljZjf; lbnfpg' _  / admit (:jLsfg'{ )
1. He denied + ing                                                 2..He accused …. of + ing.
3..He refused to + v1                                             4..He threatened to + v1
5..He advised me to +v1                                        6..He insisted on + ing
7.. He promised that he would + v1                       8.. He agreed to + v1
9..He recommended me to + v1                                           10..He urged me to + v1
11.. He begged to + v1                                                          Or, He begged for + noun.
12..He suggested that I should + v1


Write an application for the post of ‘Lower Secondary Science Teacher’ to Model School Thankot, Thankot, Kathmandu. [ Suppose you are Manish khadka  fromThankot,Checkpost.]

                                                                                                          Kalimati, Surkhet
15th Feb, 2012
The Principal,
Model School Thankot,

Thankot, Kathmandu.

With reference to your advertisement published in ‘Kantipur Post’, dated 10th January 2011, I wish to apply for the post of Lower Secondary Science teacher. I would like to present the following particulars for your kind perusal and consideration.

I have passed S.L.C from Jana Jyoti School in first division and +2 from Galaxy College in second division. I have worked as a teacher in RIMNINE for two years. I am good in English. I have done diploma in computer application from Rising Minds Institute. I have traveled to different parts of Nepal. I am member of different organizations like OSODEN, Amnesty International, Red Cross Society etc. I am healthy man of 23.


If selected I would perform my duty honestly. I have attached my CV and testimonials with this letter.

Hoping for a favourable reply.

Yours Faithfully

Manish khadka


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